Part 72: Governor Boris and the Mercy of Nerat
Governor Boris and the Mercy of NeratLast time on Tyranny, we killed Amelia and gave her daughter to Nerat. Goons decided to take her alive instead, but mercifully allowed us to skip the hellhole known as "the Bastard's Wound". Let's take a look at how things really went, shall we?

Sirin knows, as we do, that this is absolutely not the merciful option.

Of course, by the time you get here there's nothing you can do.

So, you know how Mattias was asked to cast aside everything he ever valued and got literally nothing in exchange? We're hitting that moment right now.

Remember way back in the very beginning of the game, with Pelox Tyrel and how you have the choice to offer him amnesty if you made peace?
Cleo's playthrough posted:
Then your character gets extremely pissy at the Disfavored for making liars out of them? We're a Fatebinder, we're supposed to be known for justice. Even under Kyrosian law stuff like violating a truce flag gets you the death penalty, but here we sell out what little principles we have left and devalue our word to meaninglessness to lie to this woman that she's gonna be safe with Nerat. We know it's shit. Jagged Remedy is trying not to giggle in the corner because he knows it's shit. Sirin, well...

This is a good sign we've lost our way.

This is a massive fear gain that puts Sirin up to Tier 3. Yes, I will be showing off what happens when Fear Sirin testifies at the trial. Have fun!
Also this is the only time in the game, as far as I know, that Sirin drops the f bomb. Things have gotten serious.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Whoa, Amelia, no need for hostility! Nerat extends his hospitality!
: You're so full of shit, you lying Fatebinder!
: Well, Amelia, your family of racists is probably gonna reject you for having a half-Stalwart baby, so why don't you come with Nerat? We'll guarantee your child's safety!
: Fatebinder, no, Nerat's a creepy pedo!
: This is obviously a trap but I'm screwed either way, aren't I? Fatebinder, tell me the truth: will Nerat keep us safe?
: [Lie] Nerat is totally trustworthy and doesn't just want to stick a stake up your ass.
: Pfffft!
: Fatebinder, what the fuck? That's a big lie and you know it!
: Damn it Sirin, you're ruining the mission!
: No, YOU shut up you amoral liar! That's just a woman and her baby! What the fuck is wrong with you?
: What choice do I have?
: Man, my idiotic plan didn't work. Guess I'm Nerat's bitch now!

I'm not kidding, Sirin is terrified of us.

The Chorus also turns Sentinel Stand into a new Butt Spike Factory.

On the way back we get the Killsy recruitment event. We're going to do one thing slightly differently here.

This might not have been the smartest idea.

This starts a fight that I let autoresolve because we're on easy babby difficulty.

The rest proceeds as on the Cleopatra playthrough.

We've seen this encounter before, it's a bunch of Stalwart noblemen we escort to Tunon for a rep boost.

Nerat's been busy in our absence.


Nerat is over here sitting pensively in this corner, and I'm not sure how to interpret this. Incidentally, you can grab the Elixir of Quickness from behind his throne and no one cares.

The periapt just gives +1 Resolve. Hey, at least we got loot.

This is such a great line that sums up our relationship perfectly. The Fatebinder is presumed to care about the law, and Kyros' justice, and Kyros' peace, whereas Nerat knows the truth of the world Kyros made - that everything can be reduced to violence or the threat thereof, and aside from paying lip service to Kyros' dumb laws the only truth is at the edge of a blade and what you can take by force.

The mask goes back on now.

Nerat has now killed and eaten both of Graven Ashe's children. I talk about the "truth" of the world Kyros made, and this is the result - following the tyrant leads only to your own destruction.

Moving on!

You know what? I'm sure him being on a spike is completely unimportant and nothing like that could ever befall such a loyal Nerat stan like us.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Maybe I should have a big purge and start over. Some day, even this howling mob will outlive its usefulness... hey, Fatebinder! How's it going!
: Mission successful!
: Good job! Amelia is safely here, and the Edict is ripping up my enemies the Disfavored...what a great day! You even got Mattias too! He's taught us quite a bit! Anyway, do you want to go grab the Silent Archive or hit up Lethean's Crossing to find that Forge-Bound lady?
: So, uh, where's Amelia? I thought you just wanted to talk, maybe...
: Silly Fatebinder, you overthink things! She regrettably died during our exchange of information.
: Uh, what?
: It's very rude to ask a mind eating abomination what he had for dinner.
: What about the kid?
: She's totally fine, we're indoctrinating her as we speak! Uh, raising. Yes.
: So, how's Mattias!
: He was delicious!
: I, uh, gotta ask the internet where to go next.

RIP Mattias, you colossal, god damn fucking moron. What did you think would happen when you threw in with Nerat? For a real life comparison, this is somewhat like Hindenburg and von Papen trying to get Hitler to restore the German monarchy after he already launched a coup attempt against the state. You know he was bad news and you tried to use him anyway, then he used you for all you were worth and discarded your dumb ass. I'm sure he would never try to do this shit to Boris, or Verse, or any of his other useful subordinates, despite his musings of killing off the Chorus and starting over!
Decisions Lie Before Us
Are we going to the Burning Library, or Lethean's Crossing?